jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020


Hello boys and girls!

Os recuerdo que en todas las entradas de inglés, podéis hacer uso de Google traductor para entender mejor los enunciados. Intenta leerlos primero en inglés y buscar solamente alguna palabra que no conozcas y no hayas podido deducir su significado por el contexto.

How are you?

Today, we are going to read the story from page 56, Beep's world!

Firstly, you have to take a look at the pictures and try to predict what is the story about.
Try to look for the meaning of the unknown words, for example HIVE. You can listen the story on the link below. 
On exercise 14 there is a tongue twister. Please, listen and try to repeat as many times as you need. Finally record an audio track of you saying the tongue twister. Do it in the same way that appear in the listening. You have to repeat the first sentence all the times.

Now, you go to page 52 of the activity book. 

You are going to do exercises 1, 2 and 3. They are very easy.
On exercise 1, look and complete the missing letters.
On exercise 2, you have to separate the words to form a question.
On exercise 3, read the text and complete with the words in the box.
Please, send the homework (audio track of the tongue twister and page 52 of the activity book) by email to your teacher. 
ASUNTO. Inglés. 28 de mayo.

Enjoy the story. See you.

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