martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Good morning family.

Os recuerdo que en todas las entradas de inglés, podéis hacer uso de Google traductor para entender mejor los enunciados. Intenta leerlos primero en inglés y buscar solamente alguna palabra que no conozcas y no hayas podido deducir su significado por el contexto.

Are you fine? Of course.

Today, we are going to follow with the listening activities. Now on page 51 of your Student's Book, exercise 5. 

You will listen to the audio on exercise 5. It is a conversation between Olga and her teacher about grasshoppers. Firstly, try to follow the conversation in your book with your finger.
The second time, try to read the conversation aloud.
Finally, record an audio track or a video.  It is better if you listen a sentence, stop and you repeat. Please, do it as many times as you need. 


1. Send the audio track or the video by email to your teacher.

2. Read the four sentences on exercise 6 from page 51 of your Student's Book. Copy them in a sheet of paper and write the animal that describe each sentence.

3. Do exercises 6 and 7 on page 47 of your Activity Book.

On exercise 6, you are going to listen a conversation between two children. 

You have to complete the table with the number or eyes, wings or legs. Then you write the name of the minibeasts.

On exercise 7, write the words in order and MATCH WITH THE NUMBERS.

Please, send the homework by email to your teacher. ASUNTO. Inglés. 12 de mayo.



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