Hello boys and girls!
Os recuerdo que en todas las entradas de inglés, podéis hacer uso de Google traductor para entender mejor los enunciados. Intenta leerlos primero en inglés y buscar solamente alguna palabra que no conozcas y no hayas podido deducir su significado por el contexto.
For today, you are going to read the song on page 49 of the Student's Book. If you have any doubt, you can use Google Translator.
You also have the track of the song so you can listen to it as many times as you need. Then try singing it and you can record a video singing the song. It does not have to be whole, with one stanza is enough.
Now you are going to do the exercises of the Activity Book on page 45, exercises 1 and 2.
Please, you have to send the answers by email when you finished.
You can play games with flashcards from TOPIC 6 for the long weekend. You can use the flashcards from your envelope or you can make your own flascards. Listen the song to learn how to pronounce the vocabulary: ANT, LADYBIRD, CENTIPEDE, WORM, BEE, DRAGONFLY, SNAIL AND GRASSHOPPER.
Please, send a video while you are playing with your family.
The other day I asked you to tell me your favorite game. Many of you chose to blow up balloons. Today you can play but with new vocabulary. Remember to write your name to play.
Now you can play all the games. Enjoy with everyone but much more with your favorite. Surely your family also wants to play.