jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


Hello boys and girls!

Os recuerdo que en todas las entradas de inglés, podéis hacer uso de Google traductor para entender mejor los enunciados. Intenta leerlos primero en inglés y buscar solamente alguna palabra que no conozcas y no hayas podido deducir su significado por el contexto.

How are you?

Today, we are going to learn how to write a text about the time and the food. It's very easy. 

Now, you go to page 39 of the activity book. Read the text on exercise 6. Draw the clockwise in the clocks for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. In the box you have to draw the foods that the girl eats at the different meals of the day. Colour please.
On exercise 7, you are going to write in order the words and circle the correct answer for you. Look at the chart at the top of the page.

When you finished, you will write a similar text from exercise 6 but about you.

Please, send the three exercises by email: juanma.cannon@gmail.com


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