martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


Good morning family.

Os recuerdo que en todas las entradas de inglés, podéis hacer uso de Google traductor para entender mejor los enunciados. Intenta leerlos primero en inglés y buscar solamente alguna palabra que no conozcas y no hayas podido deducir su significado por el contexto.

Are you fine? Of course.

Today, you are going to play some games. Enjoy!

Take a look at this webside:

Choose "3º Y 4º DE PRIMARIA".

Click on the "LIKE" button.

Click on the "JUEGO UNO" button.

Click on the "LISTEN" button, under the troubadours listen to the sentence and order the words, dragging them with the mouse.

There are four sentences. Please, take a photo of each sentence and send the four photos by email.

If anyone can't access the website, I upload the photos of the four disordered phrases. Put the words in order and write the sentences on a sheet and send me the photo of the four sentences.

You can continue playing games two and three, inside the LIKE button, but only send the photos from game 1.

Greetings and enjoy the day!

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